Benito Fracca - President - founded Fraste in 1964, starting his activity in the mechanical construction.
Soon a first water well drilling rig was developed and thus the work in the drilling field began.
At that time, the drilling industry was still very traditional, and mainly concerned with mechanical transmission systems. Using hydraulics for its drilling units, Fraste was one of the Italian pioneers of modern drilling.
1967 – First Fraste machine
1967 – The new Factory
Fraste built in Nogara, near Verona its first new factory. Fraste drill rigs began to win fame in the Italian drilling industry; quality became a standard.
1978 - Fraste expands
Fraste expanded its original headquarters.
The company started attending international trade fairs in Italy, and laid the foundation for entering the foreign market.
1979 – 1984 Time for Expansion
European market opened its doors to Fraste drill rigs.
Fraste won its first international tender, for the supply of thirteen water well drilling units in Bangladesh.
The European market was quickly expanding and Fraste improved construction methods by using new technologies and components.
Fraste launched its line of small geotechnical/soil investigation drill rigs, that soon evolved into the new Multidrill line. Fraste's frontiers expanded to include Asia.
Europe became Fraste's "home market" and non-European countries began to be very important.
Fraste created a foreign Distributors network.
Construction and design of the rigs was improved and newer technologies employed.
Fraste released the first automatic drill pipe loading system, the " Manipulator ", mounted on a FS 300 crawler-mounted rig, the first in a long series.
1995 – 1999
The Fraste worked hard to meet increasing demand from foreign markets, to make the Fraste brand increasingly international and strengthen its image in the global drilling industry.
The company was growing up quickly and manufacturing of the rigs was in accordance with the best international standards. Safety was a priority, R&D as well.
2004 – New Headquarters and the 40th Anniversary
The year 2004 left an important mark on the history of the company, with the opening of Fraste's new headquarters and celebration of 40 years of activity.
Fraste introduced the "Mito" foundation drilling rig series: a milestone for Fraste's production of foundation rigs.
2004 – 2008
Fraste continued to expand on a global level and new technological solutions and new construction criteria were adopted.
Was released the first drilling rig with a double rotary head, and the "Multipurpose" Exploration rigs line.
There was an overall acceleration of productivity in terms of units, customer care and involvement with people in the drilling industry.
Fraste built its second production facility and increased its work force and capability.
2011 – Fraste Australia
Fraste Drilling Rigs Australia was established, the Australian branch of the company, especially for the sale of the Multipurpose Exploration rigs.
2012 – Dealers
An innovative commercial approach with the international Dealers was taken to improve their knowledge about Fraste drill rigs and the company's global organisation.
Celebrations of the 50° Anniversary will take place during the year 2014 in different locations.
View the video!
2018 - SONIC rigs
2021 - FS 400 & MX 250
Celebrations of the 60° Anniversary ...
View the video!
2025 ...
Fraste remains based in Nogara proud of its origins and always has an eye to the future.